Bin Laden Ratchet
Bin Laden on the head of a pin
Bin Laden in the sea
Bin Laden on the planet Mars
Bin bon appétit!
Bin Laden in the apple orchard
Takes a bite of a crisp, delicious, reality-is-whatever-we-say-it-is red apple,
Hums a song in his heart through the fervid fizz of his Khazarian memory
And tosses the half-eaten apple on the ground,
Leaves the orchard without a sound.
Bin Laden as a prom corsage
Where is the truth?
It lies in the attic.
Bin Laden as decoupage
Bin Laden in the piss-Christ glass
Bin Laden at the dancehall makes a pass
At a lovely girl whose name was Jill
He took her to the woods and cut her heart open with his Sicari blade,
Gave his false flag a nice, smart wave,
Left Jill’s body on the blood soaked ground
And returned to the lights of the dance hall—
Flashed his Mossad I.D. at Michael Chertoff,
Hopped on the next flight to Israel
And announced he’d only been there to document the event.
Bin Laden eating liver and grouse
Flosses with the tail of a mouse
Bin Laden has a golden rule:
To each Jewish settler an Olympic pool!
Bin Laden on the head of a pin
Bin Laden’s second coming again and again.
Bin Laden put the nano-thermite explosives in place
To do a controlled demolition of America
From Maine to Hawaii
And when the explosives went off
America fell neatly into its own footprint,
And nobody recognized hell’s flashing lights
And nobody recognized the snake that bites
We all just sort of wondered where the time went.
Bin Laden peruses the market trends
Flying over Kansas with his Sayanim friends
Not worth bothering to make amends
Just another ho-hum day of decapitating goyim.
Bin Laden swipes his credit card
Rushes off to a Hollywood set—
O what a beautiful day!—
His eye captured by a shapely leotard
Films his next video for the CIA.
Bin Laden in the lion’s den
Now become the king of beasts
Bin Laden with his goyim slaves
Riding the crest of the perfect wave,
Dining at the think tank feast.
Bin Laden looking fit and tanned,
Ever the whiz-kid in demand.
Bin Laden perusing the market trends
Once again over Kansas with his Sayanim friends
Bin Laden laying down XYZ
In the studios at ABC.
And nobody recognized hell’s flashing lights
And nobody recognized the snake that bites.
And nobody recognized the snake that bites.
Bin Laden rising higher and higher
Tightrope walking on the telephone wires
The imperial Lord of holy rites
And nobody recognized the snake that bites
Bin Laden on the planet Mars
Bin Laden headed for the stars
Bin Laden will return some day
In another mask, another way.
Bin Laden on the head of a pin
Bin Laden in the sea
Bin Laden on planet Earth
Bin bon appétit!
And nobody recognized hell’s flashing lights
And nobody recognized the snake that bites.